My Blog -

I began my blog during Lockdown and used it as an outlet to write about fashion and trends I was interested in and seeing in the world around me. Although having taken a few months off after starting my masters, I have since written my latest blog post, below, with other upcoming posts coming out soon. Please feel free to view some of my AW20 posts too, linked below.

Most Recent Post:

Archive, Notable AW20 Posts:

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Special Projects

Projects worked on as part of my Master’s in Fashion Communication, all awarded with a Distinction.

Click covers to read

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Module: Critical Research & Understanding Audiences

Brief: Propose, execute and articulate a small-scale research project that focuses on audiences. This is followed by a report outlining the findings.

Grade: Distinction

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Module: Fashion Re-Imagined

Brief: To ideate an insights piece of our choice based on a highly innovative, disruptive, and creative topic; requiring analysis of macro-environmental influences and how they are affecting the way that the fashion industry might look in the future.

Grade: Distinction

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Module: Brand Communication & Marketing Strategy

Brief: To develop an innovative, stand out brand communication and marketing strategy for a brand in the fashion or creative industries of your choice, evaluating research findings leading to justified conclusions and underpinning it with academic theories as a way to demonstrate the ability to evaluate and respond autonomously to academic discourse

Grade: Distinction


content creation

